Christ Centered Ministries



Torch of Christ Ministries.1Torch of Christ Ministries This guy brings The Spirit to everyone. Preaching in the streets and healing.

FOJC (Followers of Jesus Christ) Radio2FOJC Radio. Solid Christ centered, biblical instruction. Hosted by David Carrico.

Now You See TV3Now You See TV. Host the “midnight ride” on Saturdays at 10pm. Occasionally they have lots of guests. They actively seek out discernment of current events and how they relate to our walk with Christ. Hosted by Jon Pounders and David Carrico

The Contreversy74The Controversy 7. A “watchman”. Christ centered awareness of the world we are in.

Virtual House Church5Virtual House Church. Biblical instruction that centers on GOD’s appointed times and feasts.

Ephraim Awakening. Hosted by Rob Skiba6Ephraim Awakening. Centered around the unity of GOD’s Kingdom.


Important Books, Possibly Scripture, Formerly Apocryphal

The Book of Jasher. Describes Sodom, the Watchers and the time of Jared.

The Book of Enoch. Describes the earth, heavenly elements and other creation.


Helpful Book, Not Scripture, As Far as I know

The Conflict of Adam and Eve. Describes the life of Adam and Eve after banishment from the Garden of Eden.

